Ornithological Ephemera
These articles, from sources that are not SORA partners, are listed alphabetically by name of publication. They were prepared and sent to us by Stephen M. Smith. We thank him very much for making these papers available to SORA Readers!
Bond, J. and Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1944. The birds. In: Results of the Fifth George Vanderbilt Expedition (1941). Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Monograph 6, pp. 7–56.
Clark, W.S., Clinton-Eitniear, J. and Phillips, R.A. 2020. Record of an alleged Solitary Eagle in Oaxaca is a Great Black Hawk. Acta Zoológica Mexicana, 36: 1–6.
Mallet-Rodrigues, F. 2008. Táxons de aves de validade questionável com ocorrência no Brasil. VIII — Suboscines Furnarioidea. Atualidades Ornitologicas, 141: 10–11.
Dickerman. 1975. Revision of the Short-billed Marsh Wren. American Museum Novitates 2569
Lanyon. 1965. Specific limits of the Yucatan Flycatcher, Myiarchus yucatanensis. American Museum Novitates 2229
Skutch, A.F. 1969. Nunbirds. Animal Kingdom, 72: 8–11.
Marler. P. 1960. Bird songs and mate selection. In: Lanyon, W.E. and Tavolga, W.N. eds. Animal Sounds and Communication, 7: 348–367. American Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington, DC.
White, C.M.N. 1954. A new race of Grass Warbler from Northern Rhodesia. Annales du Musée Royal du Congo Belge, 4: 106.
D. Scott Wood, Robert C. Leberman, 1987. Results of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History Expeditions to Belize. III. Distributional Notes on the Birds of Belize. Annals of Carnegie Museum 56(6): 137-160.
Newstead, R. 1909. Reports on the twenty-first expedition of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Jamaica, 1908–1909. Medical and Economic Entomology. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 3: 421–469 + 2 plates.
Rendahl, H. 1919. Notes on a collection of birds from Panama, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Arkiv för Zoologi,12(8): 1–36.
Pinto, O. 1952. Súmula histórica e sistemática da ornitologia de Minas-Gerais. Arquivos de Zoologia do Estado de São Paulo, 8: 1–51
Phillips, S. 1953. An incident concerning the Peruvian Torrent Duck. Avicultural Magazine, 59: 134.
Maximilian, Prinzen zu Wied. 1833. Sect. 1. Lobipedes. Lappenfüsser. Fam. XXXVIII. Podoidae. Saumfußartige Vögel. Gen. 92. Podoa, Illig. Saumfuß. Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte von Brasilien. 4(2): 822-828.
Ramo, C. and Busto, B. 1984. Nidificación de los Passeriformes en los llanos de Apure (Venezuela) Biotropica, 16: 59–68.
Eaton, J.A. 2011.Black-chinned Monarch Monarcha boanensis still survives on its tiny island home. BirdingASIA, 15: 36.
Post, P.W. and Lewis, R.H. 1995. The Lesser Black-backed Gull in the Americas. Occurrence and subspecific identity. Part I: taxonomy, distribution and migration. Birding, 27: 282–290.
Clark, W.S., Jones, H.L., Benesh, C.D. and Schmitt, N.J. 2006. Field Identification of the Solitary Eagle. Birding, 38(6): 66–74.
Clinton-Eitniear, J. 1986. Status of large forest eagles of Belize. Birds of Prey Bulletin 3: 107–110
Clinton-Eitniear, J. 1991. The Solitary Eagle Harpyhaliaetus solitarius: A New Threatened Species. Birds of Prey Bulletin 4: 81–85
Piaskowski, V.D., Teul, M., Cal, R.N., Williams, K.M. and Tzul, D. 2006. How to manage your land to help birds. (Belize and Mesoamerica edition). Birds Without Borders, Milwaukee, WI.
Phelps, W.H. 1943. Las aves de Perijá. Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales, 8: 265–338.
Murphy, R.C. 1971. In Memoriam: William Henry Phelps. (Spanish version) Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales, 29: 13–19 + 1 plate.
Schwartz P. 1972. On the taxonomic rank of the Yellow-billed Toucanet (Aulacorhynchus calorhynchus). Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales, 29: 459-476.
Borrero H., J.I. 1971. Notas sobre habitos alimenticos y comportamiento reproductivo del Zambullidor Podilymbus podiceps (Aves), en Colombia. Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales, 29: 477–486.
Phelps, W.H. Jr. 1972. Adiciones a las listas de aves de Sur América, Brasil y Venezuela y notas sobre aves venezolanas. Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales, 30: 23–40.
Phelps, W.H., and Dickerman, R. 1980. Cuatro subespecies nuevas de Aves (Furnariidae, Formicariidae) de la región de Pantepui, Estado Bolívar y Territorio Amazonas, Venezuela. Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales, 33: 139–147.
Lantermann, W. 2004. Verbreitung und Status der ostafrikanischen Papageien Agapornis personatus Reichenow, 1887 und Agapornis fisheri Reichenow, 1887 (Aves, Psittaciformes).Bonner Zoologische Beiträge, 52: 95-100.
In German; English summary.
Pinowski, J., Morales, L.G., Pacheco, J., Dobrowolski, K.A. and Pinowska, B. 1980. Estimation of the food consumption of fish-eating birds in the seasonally flooded savannas (Llanos) of Alto Apure, Venezuela. Bulletin de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Série des Sciences Biologiques, 28: 163–170.
Austin, O.L. 1929. Birds of the Cayo District, British Honduras. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 59: 363–394
Matola, S. and Poót, C. 2003. One forest, three nations: the biological and cultural diversity of Belize. Caribbean Geography 13: 14-18.
Piaskowski, V.D., Teul, M., Cal, R.N., Williams, K.M. and Martinez, W.E. 2003. The birds of central Belize. Caribbean Geography 13: 69-87.
Delahunty, J.L. 2005. Remote sensing as a tool for mapping and monitoring habitat: a case study of the St. Vincent Parrot (Amazona guildingii). Caribbean Geography 14: 31-39.
McRae, E.M. 1995. Bird Survey, 8-13 August 1995, Caye Caulker, Belize. CariSearch, Ltd.
Brodkin, H. and Brodkin, P. 1981.Summer birds at Polol, Guatemala. Continental Birdlife, 2: 111–117.
Miller and Miller. 1996. New information on the status and distribution of the Keel-billed Motmot Electron carinatum in Belize, Central America Cotinga 6, 61–64.
Melo, T.N. de, Borges, L.H.M. de and Botelho, A.L.M. 2016. Behavior and plumage of juvenile Rufous-vented Ground-Cuckoo Neomorphus g. geoffroyi, with new records for Acre State. Cotinga, 38: 49–51.
Cody, M.L. 1970. Chilean bird distribution. Ecology, 51: 455–464.
Rodríguez, D. 1918. Costumbres del “pato picazo”/ Behavior of the picazo duck. El Hornero, 1: 185–187.
Wilson, A.S. 1923. Huevos de pato en un nido de chimando. El Hornero, 3: 192.
Wilson, A.S. 1924. Datos biológicos sobre aves de Santa Fe. El Hornero, 3: 246–248.
Meerman, J.C. 1994. The Wood Stork colonies in the northeastern Corozal District, Belize. 1991 and 1992 seasons. Including a report on other bird colonies in the Chetumal Bay area. Estudio Integral de la Frontera Mexico–Belice. CIQRO, Chetumal. pp. 113–118.
Bond, M.F.W. 1954. Turneffe adventure. Frontiers (Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia), 18: 137–141.
Jones, H.L. 2000. Maiuia Mannikibani Kiritimati. The Birdlife of Christmas Island. I Kiribati translations by Atanraoi Baiteke. Dames & Moore.
Hamilton, J.F. 1871. Notes on birds from the Province of Sāo Paulo, Brazil. Ibis, Series III, 1: 301–309.
Salvin, O. 1885. On a collection of birds from the Island of Cozumel. Ibis, 27: 185–194
Salvin, O. 1888. A list of the birds of the islands of the coast of Yucatán and the Bay of Honduras. Ibis, 30: 241–265
Salvin, O. 1889. A list of the birds of the islands of the coast of Yucatán and the Bay of Honduras. Ibis, 31: 359–379
Salvin, O. 1890. A list of the birds of the islands of the coast of Yucatán and the Bay of Honduras. Ibis, 32: 84–95
Barlow, JC, Dick, JA, Baldwin, DH, and Davis, RA. 1969. New records of birds from British Honduras. Ibis, 111: 399–401
Béraut, E.B. 1970. The nesting of Gymnoderus foetidus. Ibis, 112: 256.
Cabot, J. 1997. Dos nuevas subespecies de Nothoprocta ornata y sobre la distribución de N. ornata rostrata (Aves, Tinamidae). Iheringia, Série Zoologia, 82: 119–125.
Meadows, M. 1994. Bacalar Chico Bird Report, Ambergris Caye, Belize. International Tropical Conservation Foundation.
Fuisz, T.I., Vas, Z. and Rácz, R. 2010. Hidden treasures and the reorganization of the Bird Collection in the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Journal of Afrotropical Zoology, Special Issue, pp. 37-43.
Phillips, A.R. 1959. The nature of avian species. Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science, 1: 22–30.
Niethammer, G. 1952. Zur Anatomie und systematischen Stellung der Sturzbach-Ente Merganetta armata. On the anatomy and systematic position of the Torrent Duck (Merganetta armata). Journal of Ornithology, 93: 357–360.
Cowan, C.F. 1969. Notes on Griffith’s Animal Kingdom of Cuvier (1824–1835). Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History, 5: 137–140.
Devillers, P. 1978. Distribution and relationships of South American skuas. Le Gerfaut, 68: 374–417
Clancey, P. A. 1986. Subspeciation in the pipit Anthus cinnamomeus Rüppell of the Afrotropics. Le Gerfaut, 76: 187–211.
Goodman, S.M. and Abdel Mowla Atta, G. 1987. The birds of southeastern Egypt. Le Gerfaut, 77: 3–41.
Graves, G.R. and Giraldo O., J.A. 1987. Population status of the Rufous-fronted Parakeet (Bolborhynchus ferrugineifrons), a Colombian endemic. Le Gerfaut, 77: 89–92.
Vande weghe, J.P. and Loiselle, B.A. 1987. The bird fauna of Bururi Forest, Burundi. Le Gerfaut, 77: 147–164.
Stuart, S.N., Jensen, F.P. and Brogger-Jensen, S. 1987. Altitudinal zonation of the avifauna in Mwanihana and Magombera Forests, eastern Tanzania. Le Gerfaut, 77: 165–186.
Prigogine, A. 1987. Hybridization between the megasubspecies cailliautii and permista of the Green-backed Woodpecker, Campethera cailliautii. Le Gerfaut, 77: 187–204.
Harvey, W.G. and Howell, K.M. 1987. The birds of the Dar es Salaam area, Tanzania. Le Gerfaut, 77: 205–258.
Schulenberg, T.S., Parker, T.A. III and Hughes, R.A. 1987. First records of Least Tern, Sterna antillarum, for Peru. Le Gerfaut, 77: 271–273.
Guerra-Correa, C.G. and Fitzpatrick, L.C. 1987. Albinism in the Gray Gull, Larus modestus, in northern Chile. Le Gerfaut, 77: 275–279.
Prigogine, A. 1987. Une nouvelle sous-espèce du Cossyphe du Natal, Cossypha natalensis, du nord-est de la region afrotropicale. Le Gerfaut, 77: 477–484.
Thomas, B.T. 1988. A comparison of the Maguari Stork, Ciconia maguari, with the White Stork, Ciconia ciconia. Le Gerfaut, 78: 113–119.
Guerra C., C.G., Fitzpatrick, L.C., Aguilar P., R.E. and Guillermo S., L.J. 1988. Location and characterization of new nesting sites for Gray Gulls, Larus modestus, in the Atacama Desert, northern Chile. Le Gerfaut, 78: 121–129.
Cikutović, M.A., Guerra, C.G. and Fitzpatrick, L.C. 1988. Gonadal cycle of Gray Gulls, Larus modestus, in northern Chile. Le Gerfaut, 78: 209–216.
Remsen, J.V. Jr., Schmitt, G. and Donna C. Schmitt, D.C. 1990. Natural-history notes on some poorly known Bolivian birds. Part 3. Le Gerfaut, 78(1988): 363–381.
Mack, A.L. and Fisher, C.D. 1988. Notes on birds from the llanos of Meta, Colombia. Le Gerfaut, 78: 397–408.
Fitzpatrick, L.C. and Guerra, C.G. 1988. Microclimatic features of Gray Gull, Larus modestus, nests in the Atacama Desert.
Le Gerfaut, 78: 421–428.
Reynard, G.B. 1962. The rediscovery of the Puerto Rican Whip-poor-will. Living Bird, 1: 51–60.
Snow, D.W. 1968. The singing assemblies of Little Hermits. Living Bird, 7: 47–55
Weller, M.W. 1968. The breeding biology of the parasitic Black-headed Duck. Living Bird, 7: 169-207.
Moffett, G.M. Jr. 1970. A study of nesting Torrent Ducks in the Andes. Living Bird, 9: 5–27 + 3 plates.
ffrench, R.P. and Haverschmidt, F. 1970. The Scarlet Ibis in Surinam and Trinidad. Living Bird, 9: 147–165 + 1 plate.
Borrero H., J.I. 1970. A photographic study of the Potoo in Colombia. Living Bird, 9: 257–263.
Skutch, A.F. 1970. Life history of the Common Potoo. Living Bird, 9: 265–280.
Snow, D.W. 1971. Observations on the Purple-throated Fruitcrow in Guyana. Living Bird, 10: 5–17.
Alvarez del Toro, M. 1971. On the biology of the American Finfoot in southern Mexico. Living Bird, 10: 79–88.
LaBastille, A. 1992. The Giant Grebes of Atitlán. A chronicle of extinction. Living Bird, 11(1): 10–15.
Tramer, E. 1992. Global warming: an imminent threat to birds? Living Bird, 11(2): 8–12.
de Naurois, R. and Érard, C. 1979. L’identité subspécifique des populations néo-calédoniennes de Pterodroma rostrata Peale, 1848. L’Oiseau et la Revue Française d’Ornithologie, 49: 235–239.
Voisin, J.-F. 1992. Liste provisoire des types d’oiseaux des collections du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris. 1. Pélécaniformes. L'Oiseau et la Revue Française d’Ornithologie, 62: 162–172.
Voisin C. 1993. Liste des spécimens types d’ibis (Threskiornithinés) de la collection du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris. L'Oiseau et la Revue Française d’Ornithologie, 63: 45–53.
Thiollay, J.-M. 1985. Birds of Ivory Coast: status and distribution. Malimbus, 7: 1–59.
Demey, R. and Fishpool, L.D.C. 1994. The birds of Yapo Forest, Ivory Coast. Malimbus, 16: 100–122.
Marshall, J.T. Jr. 1967. Parallel variation in North and Middle American Screech-Owls. Monographs of the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, 1: 1–72.
Scolaro, J.A.. 1976. Presencia de Eudyptes chrysolophus en el territorio continental argentino. Neotropica, 22(67): 25–26.
Martinez, M.M. 1983. Nidificacion de Hirundo rustica erythrogaster (Boddaert) en la Argentina (Aves, Hirundinidae). Neotropica, 29: 83–86.
Steullet, A.B. and Deautier, E.A. 1939. Sobre la presencia de Larus fuscus y Speotyto cunicularia juminensis en la Argentina. Notas del Museo de la Plata, Zoología, 21(4): 245–249.
Bond, J., and R. Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1939. Descriptions of new birds from Bolivia. Part I. — Oscines. Notulae Naturae, (Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia), 12: 1–5.
Bond, J., and R. Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1939. Descriptions of new birds from Bolivia. Part II. — A new species of the genus Pauxi. Notulae Naturae, (Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia), 29: 1–3.
Bond, J. and Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1940. Descriptions of new birds from Bolivia. Part III. — Mesomydi. Notulae Naturae (Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia), 44: 1–4.
Bond, J., and R. Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1941. Descriptions of new birds from Bolivia. Part IV. Notulae Naturae, (Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia), 93: 1–7.
Bond, J. and Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1944. A new race of Pyrrhura rupicola from Peru. Notulae Naturae, 138: 1–2.
Bond, J. 1954. Birds of Turneffe and Northern Two Cayes, British Honduras. Notulae Naturae, 260: 1–10.
Hartert, E. 1918. Notes on Penduline Tits. Novitates Zoologicae, 25: 305–309.
Griscom, L. 1935. Critical notes on rare Panama birds. Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History, 8: 199–204.
Dickerman, R.W. 1986. Two new subspecies of birds from Guatemala. Occasional Papers of the Western Foundation for Vertebrate Zoology, 3: 1–6.
Reichenow, A. ed. 1903. J. von Madarász, Vorläufiges über einen neuen Rohrsänger (Lusciniola mimica). (Flugblatt, Budapest 1903.) Ornithologische Monatsberichte, 11: 159–160.
Stresemann, E. 1939. Zwei neue Vogelrassen aus Südwest-Afrika. Ornithologische Monatsberichte, 47: 61–62.
Trathan, P.N., Croxall, J.P. and Murphy, E.J. 1996. Dynamics of Antarctic penguin populations in relation to inter-annual variability in sea ice distribution. Polar Biology, 16: 321–330.
Dickerman, R.W. 1987. Type localities of birds described from Guatemala. Occasional Papers of the Western Foundation for Vertebrate Zoology, 3: 51–107.
Bangs, O. and Peck, M.E. 1908. On some rare and new birds from British Honduras. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 21: 43–46.
Prigogine, A. 1985. Recently recognized bird species in the Afrotropical Region — a critical review. In: Schuchmann, K.L. ed. Proceedings of the International Symposium on African Vertebrates: Systematics, Phylogeny, and Evolutionary Ecology. pp. 91–114.
Mees, G.F. 1987. The juvenile plumage, systematic position, and range of Synallaxis macconnelli Chubb (Aves, Furnariidae) .
Proceedings van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Series C, Biological and Medical Sciences, 90: 303–309.
Bangs, O. 1924. A new form of Melanochlora sultanea from Fukien. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 9: 23.
Peters, J.L. 1926. A new race of the Golden Warbler from The West Indies. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 9: 41.
Bangs, O. and Peters, J.L. 1926. A new Berneria from Madagascar. Proceeding of the New England Zoölogical Club, 9: 43–44.
Barbour, T. 1926. A remarkable new bird from Cuba. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 9: 73–75.
Bangs, O. 1926. The Chinese form of Grandala. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 9: 77–78.
Bangs, O. 1927. A new form of the Lesser Vasa Parrot. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 9: 83–84.
Kennard, F.H. 1927. The specific status of the Greater Snow Goose. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 9: 85–93.
Barbour, T. and Peters, J.L. 1926. Two more remarkable new birds from Cuba. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 9: 95–97.
Peters, J.L. 1927. Descriptions of new birds. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 9: 111–113.
Kennard, F.H. and Peters, J.L. 1927. New birds from Panama. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 10: 1–2.
Friedmann, H. 1927. New Birds From Tanganyika Territory. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 10: 3-7.
Peters, J.L. 1927. A new manakin from Panama. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 10: 9–10.
Friedmann, H. 1927. A new Babbler from The Belgian Congo. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 10: 11.
Friedmann, H. 1928. Two new birds from Tanganyika Territory. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 10: 47–50.
Friedmann, H. 1928.Notes on Parisoma böhmi with a description of a new race.Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 10: 51–53.
Friedmann, H. 1928. The South African form of the Spotted Crake. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 10: 77–78.
Friedmann, H. 1928. A new cuckoo from Tanganyika Territory. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club, 10: 83–84.
Friedmann, H. 1928. The geographical variations of the Crowned Plover, Stephanibyx coronatus. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 10: 91–97.
Peters, J.L. and Griscom, L. 1928. A new rail and a new dove from Micronesia. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 10: 99–106.
Bangs, O. 1928. A new Vanga from southwestern Madagascar. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 10: 107.
Peters, J.L. 1929. The generic name of the tinamous formerly included in the genus Crypturus Illiger. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club, 10: 113-114.
Friedmann, H. 1929. Notes on East African birds with descriptions of two forms new to science. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 11: 29–33.
Friedmann, H. 1929. Two East African barbets. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 11: 35–36.
Bangs, O. 1929. A Trembler new to science.Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 11: 39–41.
Peters, J.L. and Griscom, L. 1929. The Central America races of Rupornis magnirostris. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 11: 43–48.
Bangs, O. 1929. An undescribed form of the Greater Vasa Parrot. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 11: 49–50.
Griscom, L. 1929. A review of Eumomota superciliosa. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 11: 51–56.
Griscom, L. 1929. Notes on the Rough-Winged Swallow (Stelgidopteryx serripennis (Aud.)) and its allies. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 11: 67–72.
Griscom, L. 1930. Critical notes on Central American birds. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 12: 1–8.
Griscom, L. 1931. Notes on rare and little-known Neotropical pygmy owls. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 12: 37–43.
Bangs, O. 1931. A small collection of birds from the Silinda Forest. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 12: 55–76.
Bangs, O. 1931. A new genus and species of American buntings. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 12: 85–88.
Bangs, O. 1931. A genus for Junco siemsseni Martins. Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 12: 89–91.
Ridgway, R. 1885. Catalogue of a collection of birds made on the island of Cozumel, Yucatán, by the naturalists of the U.S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross, Capt. Z.L. Tanner, commander. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 8: 560–583.
Wetmore, A. 1917. On certain secondary sexual characters in the male Ruddy Duck, Erismatura jamaicensis (Gmelin). Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 52: 479–482.
Yarrell, W. (Chair) 1837. Meeting of 13 September. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 45: 79-83.
O’Neill, J.P. and Pearson, D.L. 1974. Estudio preliminar de las aves de Yarinacocha, Departamento de Loreto, Peru. Publicaciones del Museo de Historia Natural “Javier Prado”, Serie A, Zoologia, No. 25, 13. pp.
Mallet-Rodrigues, F. 2005. Táxons de aves de validade questionável com ocorrência no Brasil. I — Introdução e lista geral. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 13: 210–211.
Short, L.L. 1971. Aves nuevas o poco comunes de Corrientes, República Argentina. Revista de Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” e Instituto Nacional de Investigación de las Ciencias Naturales, Zoología, 9: 283–309.
Bertoni, A. de W. 1925. Aves Paraguayas poco conocidas. Revista de la Sociedad Científica del Paraguay, 2: 68–70.
Bertoni, A. de W. 1928. El Crocodilurus o Yakarerã en el Paraguay (Reptiles). Also:
Sobre el Planesticus subalaris (Lev.) “Saviá campanilla.”
El género Ridgwayornis A.W. Bertoni. (Aves).
Sobre las Aves de Rapiña del género Spizaetus Vieill. o Taguató apiratî.
Revista de la Sociedad Científica del Paraguay, 2: 187-188.
Remsen, J.V. Jr. 1984. High incidence of “leapfrog” pattern of geographic variation in Andean birds: implications for the speciation process. Science, 224: 171–173.
Mertens, R. and Steinbacher, J. 1955. Die im Senckenberg-Museum vorhandenen Arten ausgestorbener, aussterbender oder seltener Vögel. (The species of extinct or rare birds in the Senckenberg Museum) Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 241–265.
Felten, H. and Steinbacher, J. 1955. Zur Vogelfauna von El Salvador. (On the avian fauna of El Salvador) Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 9-19.
Wetmore, A. 1962. Systematic notes concerned with the avifauna of Panamá. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 145(1): 1–14.
Wetmore, A. 1963. Additions to records of birds known from the Republic of Panamá. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 145(6): 1–11.
Dickerman, R.W. 2007. Birds of the southern Pacific Lowlands of Guatemala. With a review of Icterus gularis. Special Publications of the Museum of Southwestern Biology, Number 7, pp. 1–45.
Fjeldså, J. 1983. A Black Rail from Junín, central Peru: Laterallus jamaicensis tuerosi ssp. n. (Aves: Rallidae). Steenstrupia, 8: 277–282.
Guerra C., C.G. and Cikutovic S., M.A. 1985. Algunos aspectos de la nidificación y el crecimiento de Pelecanus occidentalis thagus Molina, 1782 en el Norte de Chile. I Simposio de Ornitologia Neotropical (IX Claz Perú): pp 33–48.
Bagshawe, T.W. 1938. Notes on the habits of the Gentoo and Ringed or Antarctic Penguins. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 24: 185–306.
Matola, S. 1993. Columbia River Forest Reserve Expedition, 9–16 December 1990. Typescript.
Grinnell, J. 1932. Type localities of birds described from California. University of California Publications in Zoology, 38: 243–324.
Salomonsen, F. 1962. Whitehead’s Swiftlet (Collocalia whiteheadi Ogilvie-Grant) in New Guinea and Melanesia. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i København, 125: 509–512.
Clinton-Eitniear, J. 1984. Status of the King Vulture in Mexico and adjacent Central America. Vulture News 12: 22-24.
Clinton-Eitniear, J. 1985. Distribution and relative abundance of Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture in Mex. and C.A. Vulture News 13: 4-7.
Johnsgard, P.A. 1966. The biology and relationships of the Torrent Duck. Wildfowl, 17: 66–74.
Weller, M.W. 1968. Plumages and wing spurs of Torrent Ducks Merganetta armata. Wildfowl, 19: 33–40 + Plate III.
Eldridge, J.L. 1979. Display inventory of the Torrent Duck. Wildfowl, 30: 5–15.
Dean, W.R.J. and Skead, D.M. 1979. The weights of some southern African Anatidae. Wildfowl, 30: 114–117.
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