Liste provisoire des types d’oiseaux des collections du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris. 1. Pélécaniformes
Voisin, J.-F. 1992.
Liste provisoire des types d’oiseaux des collections du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris. 1. Pélécaniformes.
L'Oiseau et la Revue Française d’Ornithologie, 62: 162–172.
In French; English summary.
Abstract (edited by SMS)
A preliminary list of the types of Pelecaniformes in the collections of the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris. The types of 17 taxa are listed, and lectotypes and paralectotypes are designated for:
- Carbo mystacalis Lesson 1831
- Urile campbelli Filhol 1878
- Carbo leucotis Cuvier 1831 and
- Plotus chantrei Oustalet 1882.
The types of Carbo bougainvillii Lesson 1837 and of Carbo albiventer Lesson 1831 are shown not to be longer in existence (I think this means “not lost”), whereas the types of Carbo macrorhynchos Lesson 1831 and of Carbo melanogaste Cuvier 1831 could not be found again and are presumed to be lost since 1929 at least. A specimen of Carbo bougainvillii compared to the type by Milne-Edwards is still extant in the collections.