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SORA Policies

SORA Content is Provided for Personal, Non-Commercial Use

Materials contained in the Searchable Ornithological Research Archive (including all materials contained in the Auk, Condor, Journal of Field Ornithology, Studies in Avian Biology, Pacific Coast Avifauna, and the Wilson Bulletin) are for personal, non-commercial, or educational use. Any use of material in these works that is determined to be "fair use" under Section 107 or that satisfies the conditions specified in Section 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law (17 USC, as revised by P.L. 94-553) does not require the respective society's written permission. You may not, without the express permission of the respective society holding the copyright, republish, copy, distribute or post in electronic form on servers any material from this site with the exception that authors may post copies of their papers on their personal or institutional sites.

SORA Site Use Policy

The Searchable Ornithological Research Archive is a public resource that provides Ornithological research information to the general public. It is the intent of the site administrators to provide a safe and wholesome online environment for its users. Site users are welcome to contribute their own content to the site as long as it meets the following standards of acceptability:

  1. Users may only post text and image content that they created themselves, and to which they own full copyright.
  2. User postings may not contain lewd or profane content.
  3. Harassment of other site users will not be tolerated.
  4. Commercial advertisements are prohibited.

The Searchable Ornithological Research Archive site administrators reserve the right to monitor all user contributions, and remove those postings which violate their interpretation of the standards of acceptability described above, without prior warning. In addition, users who willfully violate the standards of acceptability will have their posting privileges permanently revoked, their user accounts will be deleted, and they will be prohibited from creating new user accounts in the future.

SORA Partner Resources

SORA Contributor Guidelines
Information about format requirements for documents hosted in the SORA archive.
SORA Journal Usage Statistics
Article-level report on journal usage activity.
SORA Journal Usage Data Page
Exportable data on journal usage activity.

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