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The Auk, Volume 105, Number 1 (1988)

1 (January)


The Function of Delayed Plumage Maturation in Male Black-Headed Grosbeaks. 1-10.
Geoffrey E. Hill.
Effects of Food Supplementation, Song Playback, and Temperature on Vocal Territorial Behavior of Carolina Wrens. 11-16.
Joy G. Strain, Ronald L. Mumme.
Feeding-Time Minimization and the Territorial Behavior of the Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax Traillii). 17-28.
David R. C. Prescott, Alex L. A. Middleton.
The Scleral Ossicles of Opisthocomus and Their Phylogenetic Significance. 29-35.
Kevin De Queiroz, David A. Good.
A Mechanism of Sexual Segregation By Habitat in American Kestrels (Falco Sparverius) Wintering in South-Central Florida. 36-46.
John A. Smallwood.
Notes and News. 46.
Linearity of Geographic Range and Its Possible Effect on the Population Structure of Andean Birds. 47-52.
Gary R. Graves.
Variation in the Costs, Benefits, and Frequency of Nest Reuse By Barn Swallows (Hirundo Rustica). 53-60.
Robert M. R. Barclay.
Why Are Waxwings Waxy"? Delayed Plumage Maturation in the Cedar Waxwing". 61-69.
D. James Mountjoy, Raleigh J. Robertson.
100 Years Ago in the Auk. 69.
Annual Reproductive Yield in the Cooperative Pygmy Nuthatch (Sitta Pygmaea). 70-77.
William J. Sydeman, Marcel G.
Asynchronous Hatching and Food Limitation: A Test of Lack's Hypothesis. 78-88.
Susan Knight Skagen.
Dominance Relationships in Harems of Female Red-Winged Blackbirds. 89-96.
Laurel B. Roberts, William A. Searcy.
The Beached-Bird Assemblage of a Highly Saline Lake and Its Relevance For Reconstructing Paleoenvironments. 97-101.
Joseph R. Jehl Jr.
The Influence of Diet Quality on Clutch Size and Laying Pattern in Mallards. 102-110.
Jan L. Eldridge, Gary L. Krapu.
Cranial Kinesis in the Late Cretaceous Birds Hesperornis and Parahesperornis. 111-122.
Paul B.
Cavity Roosting, Philopatry, and Cooperative Breeding in the Green Woodhoopoe May Reflect a Physiological Trait. 123-127.
J. David Ligon, Cynthia Carey, Sandra H. Ligon.
Dispersal Patterns of Western Gulls From Southeast Farallon Island. 128-141.
Larry B. Spear.
Experimental Evidence For Sibling Recognition in Common Terns (Sterna Hirundo). 142-148.
J. Burger, M. Gochfeld, W. I. Boarman.
Male Parental Care and Extrapair Copulations in the Indigo Bunting. 149-160.
David F. Westneat.
Inter- and Intraspecific Relationships Between Egg Size and Clutch Size in Waterfowl. 161-176.
Frank C. Rohwer.
Evolutionary Genetics of Flycatchers. Ii. Differentiation in the Empidonax Difficilis Complex. 177-191.
Ned K. Johnson, Jill A. Marten.
In Memoriam: Donald Louis Bleitz. 192.
Kenneth E. Stager.
In Memoriam: James R. Koplin. 192.
Michael W. Collopy.
Reviews. 211-230.
Information For Contributors to the Auk. 231-233.


Do Kirtland's Warblers Migrate in One Hop?. 204-205.
Harold F. Mayfield.
Bird Migration Terminology. 205-206.
Scott B. Terrill, Kenneth P. Able.
Spacing Behavior and Population Limitation in Red Grouse. 207-208.
Adam Watson, Robert Moss.
Growth-Curve Analysis: A Critical Reevaluation. 208-210.
Reto Zach.

Short Communications

Testing For Individual Variation in Breeding Success. 193-194.
Scott A. Hatch.
Observations At a King Vulture (Sarcoramphus Papa) Nest in Venezuela. 195-196.
Cristina Ramo, Benjam.
Estimating Female Settlement From Nesting Data. 196-200.
Kevin L. Teather, Katherine E. Muma, Patrick J. Weatherhead.
Clutch-Size Dependent Asynchronous Hatching and Brood Reduction in Junco Hyemalis. 200-203.
Kimberly G. Smith.
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