Online Text
Nesting of the Black-throated Blue and Chestnut-sided Warblers 43
Albert F. Ganier
Tempora Non Mutantur 46
Dixon Merritt
The Round Table - Kirtland's Warbler, 53; Sharp-tailed Sparrow in Chattanooga Area, 53; Blue Grosbeaks in Elizabethton, 54; Lark Sparrow Nesting near Lebanon, 55; A Summer Resident House Wren at Nashville, 56; Report of Yellow-headed Blackbirds in North Chattanooga, 56; Connecticut Warbler near Elizabethton, 57; Surf Scoter, 57; Snake Grabs a Downy Wood-pecker, 58; Birds Eating Bag Worms, 59; Baltimore Oriole near Greeneville, 59; Yellow-breasted Chat Visits Bird Bath, 59; Magnolias Undamaged by Roosting Starlings, 60; Lawrence's Warbler Reported near Chattanooga 60
BOOK REVIEW: The Flamingos: Their Life History and Survival 60
Reichert Lectures on Binoculars 61
New Telescope Offered Bird Students and Conservationists 62