Online Text
Frontispiece, Nest and Eggs of Sycamore Warbler 22
A.F. Ganier
Observations on the Sycamore Warbler 23
Albert F. Ganier
Nesting of Horned Lark in the Mid-South 26
R. Demitt Smith, Jr.
Sprague's Pipit in the Mid-South 28
Ben B. Coffey, Jr.
Notes on Winter Roosts: Another Vulture Roost, 29; Short-eared Owls Prey on Blackbirds, 30; A Winter Roost in the Brush Creek Area of Williamson County, Tenn., 31; The Robin Roosts of Lebanon 32
The 1953 Spring Field Days 34
The Round Table - Record Flock of Gulls at Memphis, 40; Sanderling Recorded near Memphis, 40; Spring Record of Black-bellied Plover and Other Observations of Interest in Elizabethton Area, 41; Notes on the 1952 Migration of Tennessee and Baybreasted Warblers, 42; Spotted Towhee at Germantown, Tenn., 42; Birds and Seventeen-Year Locusts 43
The Annual Meeting of the T.O.S., 1953 43