Evening Grosbeaks Feeding on Russian Olive Berries
Evening Grosbeaks Feeding on Russian Olive Berries.-On March 21, 1945, at 5:oO p.m., I observed 23 Evening Grosbeaks (Resperiphona ves#ertina) feeding on Russian olive berries in Taos, Taos County, New Mexico, at an elevation of approximately 7000 feet. These birds were observed again the next day at noon feeding in the same trees. On both occasions the grosbeaks were feeding with Robins. The feeding site was a row of nine Russian olive trees that were heavily loaded with fruit. After the birds were gone there were no berries left on any of the trees.
At the time of these observations a snow storm was in progress on the mountains around Taos, and on the night of March 21 some snow fell in Taos and the vicinity.-R. FRANK HEDDES, Soil Conservation Service, Taos, New Mexico, May 30,194s.