A Northern Occurrence of the Brewster Booby
A Northern Occurrence of the Brewster Booby.-So far as I am aware, there is but one record of the Brewster Booby (&la Zeucogaster brewsteri) from the Pacific side of Baja California, that of a female taken near the San Benito Islands on August 7, 1923 (sei: Huey, Condor, 26, 1924:74). In going over some of my Baja California notes recently, I find the entry on July 3, 1925, of an immature bird of this species which for some minutes circled about the ship on which I was a passenger. The latitude and longitude at the time was 31” 36’ N., 117” 00’ W., a position some 200 miles north of the San Benito Islands.-A. J. VAN ROSSEM, Dickey Collections, liniversity of Californ.ia, Los Angeles, December 20, 1944.