Winter Record of Mourning Dove in South-Central Oregon
Winter Record of Mourning Dove in South-central Oregon.-On January 6, 1944, a Mourning Dove (Zenaid26ra macvoura) was recorded near Merrill, Oregon. It was approximately one-half mile north of town and was first noted when it flushed from a bare spot on an ice- and snow-covered pavement. It then alighted on a barbed wire fence at the edge of the road where it was observed further by the writer. The bird was apparently in good condition and flight was normal.
Mr. Robert Handley, of the Tule Lake Refuge, also observed a Mourning Dove the same day near the California border and approximately three miles southeast of Merrill.
These observations were deemed unusual in view of the snow and cold weather and the scarcity of records for this species from south-central Oregon at this season.-CLEARENCE A. SOOTER, Fort Wayne, Indiana, July 8,1944.