Evening Grosbeak, at Big Bear Lake, San Bernardino County, California
Evening Grosbeak at Big Bear Lake, San Bernardino County, California.-I have been going to Big Bear Lake in the San Bernardino Mountains for a number of years, and since I have never observed an Evening Grosbeak (Hesperiphona vespertina) there previous to October 16, 1942, a record for that date may be noteworthy. About noon Mrs. Kent, Ruby Curry and I came suddenly upon 12 Evening Grosbeaks apparently sunning themselves in a tree some 20 feet from the ground. There was a single mature male in the group. After we had watched them for some time they flushed and flew to the top of another pine. In the half hour they were under observation there was no indication of any feeding.-W. A. KENT, Los Angeles, California, December 15, 1942.