Hooded Merganser in San Diego County, California
Hooded Merganser in San Diego County, California .-The random bag of a duck hunter has placed in the scientific collection of the San Diego Society of Natural History a desirable specimen in the form of a female Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus). The bird was shot on December 5, 1942, at Sweetwater Reservoir, an artificial body of water situated some 7 miles southeast of the city of San Diego. It was taken by Alvin G. Crawford, auditor for the California Water and Telephone Company, which controls the reservoir. Mr. Crawford turned over to the museum, for nature-study purposes, the ducks which he took on that morning, without realizing that there was a rarity among them.-CHARLES F. HARBISON, San Diego Society of Natural History, San Diego, California, December 31, 1942.