Minutes of Cooper Club Meetings
June - The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornithological Club was held on Thursday, June 26, 1941, with Mr. W. I. Follett presiding and about 6.5 members and guests present. Minutes of the Northern Division for May were read and approved. Mrs. Ernestine Arthur, 3200 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, California, was proposed for membership by Joseph Dixon.
Milton Seibert reported the nesting of a Hermit Thrush in Redwood Canyon, Oakland, a rare occurrence for this region. Young were seer: on June 1. An Audubon Warbler’s nest witb young was seen near Sequoia Park on the same day. B. C. Cain described the nest of an Arizona Hooded Oriole, made entirely of palm fiber, in a split frond of a fan palm, at Dimond Park; the young left the nest June 25. Frank Watson had observed many Heermann Gulls, many of them adults, at Half Moon Bay on June 22.
Mrs. T. Eric Reynolds presented a delightful color film, “Just Bush-tits,” depicting the construction of a nest in an oak near the front door of the Reynolds’ home.
Frances Carter, Recording Secretary.
May - The regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division of the Cooper Ornithological Club was held at Lower Shake Camp, near Elizabeth Lake, on Sunday, May 25, 1941, with President Hildegarde Howard in the chair and about forty members and guests present. The minutes of the Southern Division for March were approved as read. The minutes of the Northern Division were read by title only. The application for membership of Mr. Charles Beach of Vail, Arizona, proposed by I. Stokely Ligon, was read.
Mr. W. W. Bennett presented a resolution opposing the proposed plan of the Board of Directors of *he Los Angeles Museum in curtailing the Department of Science and History and diverting the funds to other channels, and moved that it be adopted. The motion was seconded by Dr. W. .4. Hilton and unanimously carried. George Willett reported a new publication on the American Coot.
Irwin D. Nokes, Secretary.
June - The regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division of the Cooper Ornithological Club was held at the Los Angeles Museum on Tuesday, June 24, 1941, with Vice-president Sherwin F. Wood in the chair and about forty members and guests present.
The minutes of the May meeting for the Southern Division were approved as read. The application for membership of Richard H. Boyer, Route 1, Box 30, Fresno, California, proposed by William T. Shaw, was read.
A report of the committee on protests regarding the proposed reorganization of the Los Angeles Museum of History, Science and Art was read by Dr. X. W. Bell, and filed with the Secretary.
Vice-president Wood introduced Mr. Wendell Taber of Cambridge, Massachusetts. He gave a very exhaustive and entertaining lecture on the birds of New England, after which the meeting was opened for general discussion.