The Alaska Longspur and Oregon Horned Lark in Texas
The Alaska Longspur and Oregon Horned Lark in Texas
In February, 1936, the writer spent several days collecting birds in the Texas Panhandle. Two birds, taken on February 9, represent two subspecies which have not been previously recorded for the state of Texas. A male Alaska Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus alascensis) was collected from a flock of several hundred longspurs on the plains, 10 miles east of Canyon, Randall County, Texas. A male Oregon Horned Lark (Otocoris alpestris lamprochroma) was also collected at the same locality. I am indebted to Dr. Harry C. Oberholser, U. S. Biological Survey, for the identification of these specimens.
James O. Stevenson
Wildlife Division, National Park Service, Washington, D. C., October 7, 1936