A Harris Sparrow Observed Near Chico, California
A Harris Sparrow Observed near Chico, California
On March 16, 1936, my wife and I were surprised to see a large black-faced, black-throated sparrow feeding with a flock of Gambel and Golden-crowned sparrows near our window. We soon identified the bird as the Harris Sparrow (Zonotrichia querula). The bird remained about our place for two days, giving us many opportunities to observe it at a distance of about 15 feet. Generally it was associated with the Goldencrowned Sparrows and occasionally would pursue one of these about the shrubbery and grapevines. During its brief stay at our ranch the bird sang several times from the higher branches of an apple tree. The song seemed to me to resemble that of the Gambel Sparrow though there was something djstinctive about the last two notes. We tried to catch and photograph the sparrow but without success.
Lloyd G. Ingles
Chico State College, Chico, California, March 23, 1936;