Louisiana Herons at San Diego
Louisiana Herons at San Diego
On February 10, 1934, E. H. Glidden, state fish and game warden, and the writer, while making a local census of Black Brant, saw two Louisiana Herons (Hydraanassa tricolor ruficollis) on Mission Bay, which is within the city limits of San Diego. They were in the company of three Snowy Egrets, and were watched for some time at close range through power binoculars as they scampered with surprising activity over a mud-bank in search of food. There was no question of their identity. Incidentally, the Brant count netted 161 individuals, three flocks of 61, 61 and 42 on Mission Bay, and a group of 7 on San Diego Bay. An Osprey (Pandion haliaetus carolinensis) was several times observed at Mission Bay, once carrying a fish.
Clinton G. Abbott
San Diego Society of Natural History, San Diego, California, February 24, 1934