Some Subsistence Items of Western Burrowing Owls
Some Subsistence Items of Western Burrowing Owls
Some interesting items of food found in a few nesting cavities used by Western Burrowing Owls (Speotyto cunicularia hypugaea) excavated near Benicia, California, by H. W. Carriger, William Douglas and the writer on April 23, 1933, were the following. A male Blackheaded Grosbeak (Hedymeles melanocephalus) in full spring plumage, a San Joaquin Valley Pocket Mouse (Perognathus inornatus) identified by Dr. Seth B. Benson of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at Berkeley, a meadow mouse (Microtus), a small frog and a large blue centipede. In addition, there were the segments of Jerusalem Crickets (Stenopelmatus) and black ground beetles nearly always found about the entrances and in the Cavities of this owl.
Emerson A. Stoner
Benicia, California, May 28, 1939