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Some Banded Birds Recaptured After Five to Seven and One-Half Years

E. L. Sumner, Sr.
3 (May-June)
From Field and Study
Online Text

Some Banded Birds Recaptured after Five to Seven and One-half Years

The following records are all of birds banded in Strawberry Caiion, Berkeley, California, by Mr. E. D. Clabaugh, and recaptured by me in the same canon.

On February 2, 1931, I trapped a San Francisco Spotted Towhee (Pipilo maculatus falcifer) wearing a band numbered 116601. Mr. Clabaugh told me that this towhee was trapped originally by him on August 23, 1923, as a juvenal, and that it was the first bird he ever banded. The band was badly worn, and I replaced it by A267650.

On January 11, 1931, I trapped a Spotted Towhee, 240781, originally banded by Mr. Clabaugh on June 21, 1924. This band also was badly worn, and was replaced by A267634. On February 5, I captured another Spotted Towhee, with a badly worn band, a portion of which had broken off, carrying with it the first two digits, leaving the figures 2099. Mr. Clabaugh supplied the missing digits, which showed that the number was 242099, and told me that he had trapped it on November 11, 1924. This band was replaced by A267654.

A Golden-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia coronata), originally banded by Mr. Clabaugh on February 7, 1926, was taken by me on January 13, 1931. This band, 161447, was in good condition.

A Fox Sparrow (Passerella iliaca subsp.) was trapped by me on November 20, 1930, bearing a band numbered 139440, which was placed on the bird by Mr. Clabaugh February 22, 1925. This band also was in good condition. In contrast. with the worn bands of the towhees, scratching birds, was band 91619, on an Intermediate Wren-tit (Chamaea fasciata fasciata), a non-scratching bird, recaptured by me on February 3, which was bright and shiny and appeared quite new. Yet this bird was banded by Mr. Clabaugh on March 22, 1925.

E. L. Sumner, Sr.

Berkeley, California, March 5, 1931

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