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The White-Tailed Kite in Marin County, California

C. Hart Merriam
6 (November-December)
From Field and Study
Online Text

The White-tailed Kite in Marin County, California

A note in the Condor (XXXI, 1929, p. 36), contributed by E. L. Bickford of Napa, records the breeding of the White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus) in Napa Valley, California. This stimulates me to remark that during recent years I have several times seen individual kites of this species in Marin County, usually over the marshes bordering the north shore of San Francisco Bay.

The first one noted was hovering over the flat below Mill Valley just east of the school house on the morning of October 11, 1920. About a month later (November 14, 1920) J. Eugene Law saw one on the flat between San Rafael and Point San Quentin. On May 21, 1925, while Dr. F. V. Coville and I were driving north on our way to the Redwood highway we saw one near Ignacio station, seven miles north of San Rafael.

The last kite seen by me was on November 2, 1928, when returning from a field trip by way of Black Point Cut-off. Approaching the Petaluma Creek drawbridpe I was delighted to see one of these beautiful kites gracefully circling and darting about over the open meadows. Just before arriving at the draw it dropped to a post close by and remained there while I passed. This is the only time I have seen one alight. Usually they are on the wing. Mr. Bickford's breeding record is of much interest, being so far as I am aware the first one for many years for the north side of San Francisco Bay.

C. Hart Merriam

Lagunitas, California, August 7, 1930

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