California Black Rail in Marin County, California, in August
California Black Rail in Marin County, California, in August
On Sunday, August 11, 1929, while on an Audubon Association of the Pacific field trip, one of the members, Mr. Albert B. Stephens, picked up from the salicornia, about 25 feet east of the railroad track at Manzanita, a dead female (young of the year) California Black Rail, Creciscus jamaicensis coturniculus (Ridgway) , which through the interest of Mr. C. Lockerbie, leader, was brought to the writer for identification. The date of this rare find in this locality seemed to be an early one and prompted the query in the minds of some: has this tiny mite been nesting right under our noses after all? Who knows? Through the courtesy of Dr. Grinnell, the specimen was identified and placed on file (no. 53990) in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley.
Bessie W. Kibbe
Berkeleiy, California, August 15, 1929