The Water-Thrush (Seiurus Noveboracensis) the Initial Species in the Autumnal Migration Through Costa Rica
The Water-Thrush (Seiurua noueboracensis) the Initial Species in the Autumnal Migration through Costa Rica.
This species was seen on August 12, 1926, beside a puddle in an old logging road near Iberria Farm, at the north base of the Volcano Turialba, and again near-by a few days later. It had been first to arrive on several pareceding years, and I suspect that it is the leader of the North American avian host in this part of Central America every fall. True, Broad-winged Hawks and Solitary Sandpipers can now and then be seen here in Costa Rica every month in the year; but I judge this sufficient proof to exclude such individuals from migratory status.
Austin Smith
San Jose, Costa Rica, September 7, 1926