Audubon Warbler Eating Grapes
Audubon Warbler Rating Grapes
On November 16, 1926, in the eastern suburbs of Stockton, California, while waiting in front of a house where my companion was calling, I saw an Audubon Warbler (Dendroica auduboni) thrust its bill into some grapes lying within a few feet of the automobile in which I was sitting, and drink the juice. This was repeated several times. Wood warblers are generally credited with being mainly insectivorous. It therefore seems worth while reporting a clear case of one of these birds taking any other kind of food, especially fruit juice, which could probably never be identified among stomach contents of collected birds. Audubon Warblers are not very brilliantly colored in November; but they are so frequently seen that any of us amateurs may, I assume, be trusted to make sight identifications.
Claude Gignoux
Berkeley, California, November 22, 1926