Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Near St. Michael Alaska
Ruby-throated Hummingbird near St. Michael, Alaska
The United States National Museum has recently received a mummied specimen of the Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) from Mr. Oscar C. Hall. of St. Michael who states that it was picked up by a native on the beach among the rocks at a place called Klukatauck, about eighteen miles from St. Michael. Mr. Hall's letter was dated December 31, 1925, but failed to indicate just when the bird was discovered. There seems to be no record for this species for British Columbia, and perhaps the most northern previous record is the very uncertain one quoted by Preble (North American Fauna, no. 27, 1908, p. 390) for Lake Athabaska, Alberta, or vicinity. The specimen from Alaska has been recorded in the National Museum as no. 306,051.
Bradshaw H. Swales
U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C., March 2, 1926