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Editorial Notes

J. Grinnell
1 (January-February)
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Editorial Notes

On April 5, 6 and 7, 1926, the first annual meeting of the Cooper Omithological Club will be held in Los Angeles. There have been “annual meetings” held separately by both the Northern and Southern Divisions of the Club before this, though not with regularity; but now for the first time the entire Club is planning for a gathering to last several days.

The arrangements committee consists of Harry Harris, W. Lee Chambers, and J. Eugene Law. H. S. Swarth has been appointed to act in co-operation for the Northern Division. A large attendance is much to be desired, and Cooper Club members are urged to prepare papers for presentation. Life history studies, bird banding reports, systematic papers, and reports upon other phases of ornithology will be welcomed; a varied program will insure the greatest interest. An exhibition of bird paintings and photographs will form a feature of the meeting.

There are rumors abroad of a new publication, futuristic to a violent degree, an annual to be issued in connection with this meeting. From what we have heard. it promise to provide an outlet for the writings of certain misguided Cooper Club members who have been systematically (and rightly) snubbed or ignored by the Condor management. The name of the editor has been withheld from us.

Eastern members of the Club who undertake to make the westward journey can be assured of a California welcome. The presence of even a few eastern bird students would be a great help in making the “annual meeting” an assured feature of the Club.

J. Grinnell

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