First Record of the White-Faced Glossy Ibis in Washington
First Record of the White-faced Glossy Ibis in Washington
I have succeeded in locating one of the White-faced Glossy Ibises (Plegadis guarauna) previously mentioned in the Condor (XXVII, 1925, p. 73); it has been purchased and is now in the Public Museum of this city. This is an immature bird, shot at Clear Lake, two miles south of Medical Lake, Spokane County, about October 30, 1909, by P. J. Thelen of Medical Lake, who writes me that the bird was alone. I have a note from J. Hooper Bowles of Tacoma, stating that “it is probable that these birds have an occasional fall migration similar to that of the California Brown Pelican and Fulvous Tree-duck; most of the northern stragglers of these species are immature. The capture of this ibis constitutes the first state record for the species."
J. L. Sloanaker
Spokane, Washington, June 4, 1925