The Alice Thrush-A Correction
The Alice Thrush-a Correction
It is with considerable chagrin that I have to report what can only be explained as a Zapsus calami in my preliminary list of specimens taken by C. H. Young and Wm. Spreadborough at Brackendale, Lilloet, and McGillivray’s Creek, British Columbia, between June 11 and September 12, 1916, in the Summary Report for the Geological Survey (Canada) for 1916, pp. 359-368. On this last page will be found under Alice’s Thrush, Hylocichla aliciae, six specimens recorded as taken at Brackendale and Lilloet. This entry properly refers to Hylocichla ustulata; the subspecies was not determined, but there is not the slightest doubt of the incorrectness of the record as it stands.
P. A. Taverner
Ottawa, Canada, February 26, 1928