Corrections of Errors in Pacific Coast Avifauna No. 14.
Corrections of Errors in Pacific Coast Avifauna no. 14
Asio wilsonianus. Longeared Owl. On page 68, for “Stevensville, Ravalli County, April 14, 1912, 2 eggs,” read Corvallis, instead of Stevensville.
Junco hyemalis mearnsi. Pink-sided Junco. “It has also been found . . . in the Bitterroot Valley in migration”; and “Corvallis, March 22, 1913” (page 128). This specimen was taken May 22 instead of March 22, which would bring it in the breeding season instead of in migration. The exact locality was eight miles east of Corvallis at 4500 feet elevation, in heavy yellow pine and Douglas fir forest.
Bernard Bailey
Elk River, Minnesota, October 10, 1921