Philadelphia Vireo in Montana
Philadelphia Vireo in Montana
Saunders’ list of the birds of Montana contains no record of the occurrence of the Philadelphia Vireo (Vireosylwa philadelphica) in the State. A female bird was taken by H. E. Anthony, while collecting in company with the writer, near Johnson Lake, Sheridan County, Montana, on June 3, 1910. This region is rolling prairie, with only a sparse growth of boxelder, elm, and willow along the infrequent streams, and the bird was taken in one of these patches of timber. In spite of the comparatively late date, the bird was undoubtedly a migrant. The specimen is now no. 228,547, U. S. Nat. Mus. (Biological Survey collection).
Edward A. Preble
Washington, D. C., May 13, 1921