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Minutes of Cooper Club Meetings

Amelia S. Allen
3 (May-June)
Online Text

Minutes of the Cooper Club Meetings

Northern Division

February - The Northern Division of the Cooper Ornithological Club met at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology February 24 at 8 P.M. Members present: Mesdames Allen, Ayer, Burk, Flinn, Grinnell, Law, McLellan, Neugass, Rush, Schlesinger, and Thomson; Messrs. Bell, Bryant, Carriger, Evermann, Grinnell, Lastreto, Law, Mailliard, McKibben, McLean, Strong, Storer, Swarth, Wheeler, and Wright; visitors, Mesdames Drummond, Evermann, McLean, Thomson, aud Wheeler; Messrs. Coolidge, Litsey, Miller, and Schlesinger.

After the reading of the minutes of Northern and Southern Divisions the five names proposed at the January meeting were passed upon favorably. New names proposed were Mrs. Ella B. Drummond, 2739 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, by Miss Margaret Wythe; Mr. Kenneth Racey, 3262 First Ave. W., Vancouver, B. C., Mr. Lionel E. Taylor, Kelowna, B. C., and Mr. J. W. Winson, Huntingdon, B. C., by Mr. J. A. Munro.

On motion of Mr. Storer. duly seconded. it, ”was voted to join with the Mammalogists' in a field trip to Golden Gate Park on March 20, the trip to take the place of the regular March meeting. On motion of Mr. Law, seconded by Mr. Mailliard, the revised constitution was adopted by unanimous vote. Mr. Dane Coolidge then entertained the Club by narrating his experiences while capturing live birds for zoological parks. Adjourned.

Amelia S. Allen


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