Range of the Plain Titmouse in Oregon
Range of the Plain Titmouse in Oregon.
In the Auk (XXXVII, 1920, P. 694) Mr. W. F. Henninger records the Plain Titmouse (Baeolophus inornalus inornatus) as a new bird for the state list of Oregon. In looking over the available literature I was surprised to see that this species had not hitherto been mentioned (except in Bailey's Handbook of Birds of the Western United States, 1914, p. 456) as a common resident in the southcentral part of the state. Its occurrence there has long been known to ornithologists. I have found it common at Grants Pass (November 30), Rogue River (October 4) Gold Hill (March, April and May), Medford (June, 1916), and Ashland (June, 1916). We therefore have a continuous line of records from Grants Pass on the north to within a few miles of the California line on the south. Specimens were taken by the writer at Grants Pass, Rogue River and Gold Hill during the spring of 1916, and I have seen several skins from Medford and Ashland. The species is common in the scrub-oak forests of the region along Rogue River and its tributaries in the lower valleys. So far as known it does not occur in the Douglas fir forests to the east or west of the valley.
Stanley G. Jewett
Portland, Oregon, November 10, 1920