Clark Nutcracker and White-Winged Dove in Southern California
Clark Nutcracker and White-winged Dove in Southern California
On a recent trip to the Laguna Mountains, San Diego County, I was rather surprised to find the Clark Nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana) in flocks ranging from a few birds to fifteen or twenty in the flock. They were on the ground, tearing up the pine needles in search of food. Observed May 31 and June 1.
It may be of interest to note that at least one pair of White-winged Doves (Melopelia asiatica trudeaui) is nesting in the vicinity (Brawley). They arrived May 4 and have been about until the present date, June 12.
John C. Fortiner
Brawley, California, June 12, 1920