Bryant Marsh Sparrow in the Hills
Bryant Marsh Sparrow in the Hills
In The Condor for March, 1920 (page 63), there is an article by Joseph Mailliard and J. W. Mailliard relative to the breeding of the Bryant Marsh Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis bryanti) in other than low ground. My records show that a set of four eggs, with nest and parent bird, was taken by H. H. Bailey in San Mateo County, California, on May 1, 1904. The nest was placed on the ground in a slight depression, well hidden by a clump of grass four inches high. The location was almost at the top of a hill, between the bay and ocean, and, as I remember it, three miles or more from the salt marsh. The elevation, I judge, was around 350-400 feet.
Harold H. Bailey
Newport News, Virginia, July 12, 1920