The Salton Sink Song Sparrow at Oro Grande, California
The Salton Sink Song Sparrow at Oro Grande, California
I spent two days, February 17 and 18, 1918, collecting at Oro Grande, near Victorville on the Mojave Desert, San Bernardino County, California. Nine Song Sparrows were taken, six of which were the San Diego. (Melospiza melodia cooperi), two were the Modoc (Melospixa melodia fisherella), and one was the Salton Sink (Melospixa melodia saltonis). To quote Mr. J. Grinnell. who has examined the specimens, “the saltonis is of particular interest as it seems td be our first known occurrance of this species north of the Colorado desert, probably a winter straggler. Only cooperi has been known to breed along the Mohave River.”
Wright M. Pierce
Claremont, California, March 4, 1918