Report on Field-Work in Okanagan and Shuswap Districts, 1916, by J. A. Munro
Publications Reviewed
Report on Field-Work in Okanagan and Shuswap Districts, 1916, by J. A. Munro (Report of the Provincial Museum of Natural History for the year 1916, Victoria, British Columbia, March, 1917, pp. 12-18.)
During the summer of 1916 field work was carried on by the Provincial Museum in the Okanagan and Shuswap districts of southern British Columbia. This report gives brief statements of conditions at the several points visited (Nahun Plateau, Swan Lake, Shuswap District, and Kettle River’ District), with lists of the birds found breeding at each place. Following the summary of the season’s work is a briefly annotated list covering “some of the ornithological notes made during the past two years”, presumably from the same general region, though in many cases no localities are given for the species mentioned.
The locality lists include a variety of species and subspecies that is probably indicative of the diversified nature of the regions explored, forms elsewhere representative of different life zones and faunal areas being listed side by side. In some cases there is probable misidentification of closely related subspecies, and, indeed, we gather from the context that certain determinations are merely tentative; but, even making such allowances, the collections give evidence of the complex nature of the fauna of the region, one worthy of the most careful scrutiny by the favorably situated student of geographical distribution.