Lesser Yellow-Legs and Pectoral Sandpiper in San Mateo County, California
Lesser Yellow-legs and pectoral Sandpiper in San Mateo County, California
On November 28, 1915, I secured two specimens of Totanus flavipes near Redwood City. These are the first and only examples of the species I have ever seen.
I have taken specimens of Pisobia maculata near Redwood City as follows: August 22, 1903, one; September 13, 1908, four; September 16, 1908, eleven; October 7, 1915, four. These birds were all collected about the salt ponds and in each instance were found in new ponds, that is in ponds that had had water confined in them for but a short time. The conditions thus afforded evidently produced the proper feed; but a little later, when the ponds become saltier, nearly all the life in them is killed, with the result that the birds do not return the following season to those particular ponds.
Chase Littlejohn
Redwood City, California, November 27, 1917