Zone-Tailed Hawk at San Diego, California
Zone-tailed Hawk at San Diego, California
While walking to the street car from my house, December 20, 1916, I saw a black hawk flying towards me along the hill side. It came straight over head, but a short distance away, paying no attention whatever to my presence. It hunted along the hill side and in the adjoining canyon, in action much like a Marsh Hawk, finally perching on a gum tree in front of a house. The next morning a hawk, undoubtedly the same bird, was brought to me for preservation. It was a male Zone-tailed Hawk (Buteo abbrewiatus), shot at close range and badly mutilated. It had evidently eaten a meadow lark just before going to roost the previous night, and it had been shot near the same place where I first saw it.
Henry Grey
San Diego, California, February 23, 1917