Decoys Used by Market Hunters in Slaughtering Band-Tailed Pigeons
Decoys Used by Market Hunters in Slaughtering Band-tailed Pigeons
On a recent visit to Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo County, I was informed how easily the Bandtailed Pigeon had been slaughtered by the simple device formerly used to decoy the Passenger Pigeon. The method was to fasten a dead or half-dead pigeon on a stick or wire in the top of one of the oak trees where the birds commonly congregated, the decoy being placed quite high where it would easily be seen. This decoy would lead flock after flock to the slaughter, the market hunter being able to kill all he wanted without moving from the tree.
I think that before there is once more an open season on the Band-tailed Pigeon it would be wise to have legislation enacted prohibiting the use of decoys, and thus in a measure guard against a repetition of this former disgraceful method of slaughter.
W. Lee Chambers
Eagle Rock, California