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The Hermit Warbler in Berkeley

Amelia S. Allen
6 (November-December)
From Field and Study
Online Text

The Hermit Warbler in Berkeley

The Hermit Warbler (Dendroica occidentalis) has been reported from Berkeley, California, but once, and that was thirty years ago, in 1885 (Belding, Land Birds of the Pacific District, 1890, p. 215). It may therefore be of interest to know that on May 10, 1916, I found one feeding with a flock of Townsend Warblers (Dendroica townsendi) in the oaks near our house in Strawberry Canyon. On May 11 a large flock made up mainly of Townsend, Pileolated, and Yellow warblers sheltered several Hermit Warblers, and on May 12 the songs of the Townsend and Hermit warblers were heard more frequently even than that of the Pileolated Warbler, which was already nesting in Berkeley, though many others seemed to be in the migrating flock. The last Townsend Warbler was heard on May 17.

The month of May brought several other pleasant surprises, due, no doubt, to the continuous rains during the first part of the month. On May 11 the notes of a belated Robin reached me twice, and on Commencement Day (May 12) I was awakened in the early morning by the song of the Long-tailed Chat.

Amelia S. Allen

Berkeley, California

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