Some Extreme Nesting Dates
Some Extreme Nesting Dates
In comparing Willett's Birds of the Pacific slope of Southern California with some of my own notes, I find the following nesting dates among the latter, that appear somewhat unusual:
Selasphorus alleni. Allen Hummingbird. Catalina Island, March 22, 1910; two eggs, incubation advanced.
Sturnella neglecta. Western Meadowlark. Los Angeles, February 15, 1909; four eggs, fresh.
Hirundo erythrogastra. Barn Swallow. Balboa Beach, June 13, 1908; two eggs, fresh.
Riparia riparia. Bank Swallow. San Pedro, April 26, 1908; five eggs, incubation advanced.
Lanius ludovicianus gambeli. California Shrike. Los Angeles, February 8, 1908; four eggs, fresh.
D. I. Shephardson
Los Angeles, California