The California Shrike in Montana - A Correction
The California Shrike in Montana - A Correction
A shrike secured at Anaconda, Montana, May 14, 1911, has recently been examined by Mr. H. C. Oberholser and identified as the California Shrike, Lanius ludovicianus gambeli. This bird was originally reported as the Migrant Shrike, L. I. migrans (CONDOR, XIV, p. 30). It is possible that this bird is only a variant of the White-rumped Shrike, L. I. ezcubitorides, the common breeding form in Montana. I doubt, however, if this is the case, for the bird was taken in a region where the White-rumped Shrike is not known to breed, west of the continental divide, and at an elevation about 1000 feet higher than that of the regular breeding range of the White-rump. There are no records, to my knowledge, of the occurrence of the White-rumped Shrike west of the continental divide in Montana, so that I believe this is a true case of the California bird having wandered east of its regular range during migrations.
Aretas A. Saunders
West Haven, Connecticut