Three New Birds from Eastern Oregon
Three New Birds from Eastern Oregon
In working over a collection of bird skins from Harney County, Oregon, collected by Mr. Wm. L. Finley during the summer of 1908, I found specimens of the following birds which I believe have never been put on record as occurring in this State. The identifications were made by Mr. Joseph Grinnell and Mr. H. C. Oberholser.
Empidonax griseus. Gray Flycatcher. Two adult specimens in worn summer plumage taken in the open sagebrush country near Wright’s Point, about fifteen miles south of Burns, on June 25, 1908.
Amphispiza bilineata deserticola. Desert Sparrow. Two adult males taken at Wright's Point on June 24 and 25, 1908.
Hylocichla fuscescens salicicola. Willow Thrush. One adult male taken in the willows along Silvie’s River near Burns on June 24, 1908.
Portland, Oregon