A History of the Game Birds, Wild-Fowl and Shore Birds of Massachusetts and Adjacent States by Edward Howe Forbush
A History of the Game Birds, Wild-Fowl, and Shore Birds of Massachusetts and Adjacent States
by Edward Howe Forbush, State Ornithologist of Massachusetts. (Issued by the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture.) 1912; 8 vo, pp. xvi+625 36 pls., 26 figs.
Of great immediate, practical use in the swelling campaign against the extermination of American game animals, the book under notice deserves warmest commendation. Its purpose is admirably realized in the scientifically accurate tenor of treatment throughout, combined with the logical and convincing sequence of the subjects as presented.
Here we find just the information needed in regard to the history and in some cases direful fate of Atlantic Coast game birds, and from which lessons can be drawn as to how not to treat our Pacific Coast birds. It is too bad that it is impracticable to secure wide distribution in the west of Mr. Forbush’s work, because of the limited edition and local demands for it. If sportsmen and legislators could but acquire some of the knowledge therein made so clear, a long step would have been taken towards securing proper treatment of our game before it is too late.
It is not possible to adequately describe the book in its numerous useful details, in our limited space; but some of our readers may be interested to know that, as long as they last, copies can be purchased at bare cost price plus postage ($1.40 in all) by addressing the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, 136 State House, Boston, Mass.