Two New Arizona Records
Two New Arizona Records
During my visit to Tucson, Arizona, in February and March of the present year, I had the pleasure of examining the collection of game birds gathered and mounted by Mrs. James Wheeler of that city. Among these were a pair of adult Little Brown Cranes (Grus canadensis), which gave the following measurements, as closely as could be ascertained: Length 35 in., bill 3.50, wing, 19.00. The small size of these birds was especially noticeable to one who had seen the larger cranes of the San Joaquin Valley, California.
In addition to these, Mrs. Wheeler had beautifully mounted a pair of American Goldeneyes (Clangula clangula americana), taken at Tucson; the male, a single bird, taken April 1, and the female taken about February 1, in company with pintails.
So far as I know these are two species not hitherto recorded from Arizona.