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Editorial Notes and News

2 (March-April)
Online Text


The first expedition for 1910 to take the field in the interest of the University of California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, left on February 13. The party is headed by Mr. J. Grinnell, who is assisted by Messrs. F. Stephens, J. Dixon and H. Jones; the field of their endeavors is the valley of the Colorado River, between Needles and Yuma. After a short stay at Needles boats were procured, and the party started down the stream, the plan being to collect at intervals on both sides of the river; proceeding by easy stages to Yuma, which will be reacht about May 15. The same trip was made by Dr. Elliott Coues, years ago, when the country was new and unknown; and it is decidedly suggestive to note that the list of birds he saw along the river includes several species that have not since been observed in Arizona--to such an extent has this region been neglected by naturalists. The present expedition promises much in the way of results.

We are in receipt of an announcement of the organization in New York City, on December 8, 1909, of the American Bird Banding Association, the object of which is "the banding of wild birds and the recording of accurate data on their movements." The migrations of birds are thus studied by the placing of numbered, addrest, metal bands upon their legs, a record being kept of the same. This method of study, tho new in this country, has been pursued in Europe for some time. It promises interesting results, and there are doubtless many Cooper Club members who will be desirous of assisting in the work. Full information may be procured from the president of the society, Dr. Leon J. Cole, Peabody Museum, New Haven, Connecticut.

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