The Cinnamon Teal (Querquedula cyanoptera) Wintering at Santa Barbara
The Cinnamon Teal (Querquedula cyanoptera) Wintering at Santa Barbara
In Mr. Grinnell's Check-List of California Birds the Cinnamon Teal is put down as a common resident only. It may be worth recording, therefore, that for two years, at least, a few birds have wintered at Santa Barbara, where I have seen them in all three of the winter months. To be more exact, I have the species listed on the following dates: February 20, December 5, 6, 29, 1908; January 20, February 9, December 13, 17, 19, 24, 27, 1909; January 7, 1910. Mr. John H. Bowles kindly allows me to add that he saw the species here January 4, 1910--a single bird, in salt water! All identifications, both mine and Mr. Bowles', were of adult males.