The True Home of the Spectacled Eider
The True Home of the Spectacled Eider
Arctonetta fischeri (Brandt) is commonly treated as a "rare American bird". Indeed the bird is rare in America, as northwestern Alaska just touches the outskirts of the true breeding range of this handsome bird. In 1905 I spent a year in northeastern Siberia, and satisfied myself that between the mouths of Indigirka (about 148° E. of Greenw.) and Chauna bays (about 172° E.) Arctonetta fischeri is actually the commonest of all the Eiders (tho Somateria spectabilis is also numerous, and Heniconetta stelleri not rare). Farther east and west it becomes scarce, tho it attains to the mouth of the Jana, and the New Siberian Archipelago, and northwestern Alaska.