Some Unrecorded Species from Los Coronados Islands, Mexico
Some Unrecorded Species from Los Coronados Islands, Mexico.
This spring (April 3 to 10, 1909) while collecting on the Coronados, off San Diego, with J. B. Dixon, we secured the following birds new to the Islands.
Circus hudsonius. Marsh Hawk. One female taken April 6.
Aluco pratincola. Barn Owl. One was flusht April 9 from a crevice in the cliffs.
Asio wilsonianus. Long-eared Owl. Dixon flusht one from a low bush on North Island April 7.
Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea. Burrowing Owl. One female taken April 8.
Selasphorus alleni. Allen Hummingbird. Very common all the week.
Tyrannus vociferans. Cassin Kingbird. A pair stayed about camp for four days.
Icterus bullocki. Bullock Oriole. One male taken; others seen.
Dendroica auduboni. Audubon Warbler. Very common.
Catherpes mexicanus conspersus. Canyon Wren. One taken.
Pasadena, California