The Ruddy Turnstone at Santa Barbara
The Ruddy Turnstone at Santa Barbara
On the 26th of July, 1909, while watching the motions of a Black Turnstone on the beach at Santa Barbara, I suddenly found my glass resting on two Ruddy Turnstones (Arenaria interpres morinella), the first that I had ever seen on the Pacific Coast. They were turning over pieces of seaweed, in company with their black relative, --seeming to have no color prejudice,-- and allowed me every opportunity to admire their patchwork costume and the bright deep orange-red color of their legs. And by the bye, I could wish that there were a law requiring all makers of ornithological manuals and hand-books to include this point--the color of legs and feet in live specimens--in their technical description of at least all water birds. It is too often omitted--for lack of knowledge presumably. But it should be the duty of such authorities to have knowledge.
Santa Barbara, California