Some Interesting Colorado Records
Some Interesting Colorado Records
The following records of species but little known to Colorado were made by Mr. J. W. Frey, of Salida, Chaffee County, Colorado, who collected quite faithfully there in the spring of 1908. Salida is situated in a wide valley on the Arkansas River, west of the Grand Canyon of the Arkansas, and with the Continental Divide to the west, and the Sangre de Christo Range to the south. The altitude is a little over 7,000 feet.
Nycticovax violaceus. Yellow-crowned Night Heron. “Killed on Big Arkansas River one mile north of Salida out of a bunch of five, the only one I got and altho I hunted them never saw or heard of the other four. This one was brought to me by a boy whose father killed it that morning. I bought it from him and went hunting for the rest as soon as I could get ready.” (Copy of Frey's memoranda.) The label on the specimen, which was a female, gives the date as May 1, 1908. This is the second record for Colorado, and the only one of which we have the exact data. W. W. Cooke, in his "Birds of Colorado," says, "The only recorded specimen is the one in Mrs. Maxwell's collection, and that is known to have been taken in Colorado, but where cannot now be learned": not as satisfactory a record as it might be, which makes the present all the more welcome. The specimen is now in the collection of Colorado College, at Colorado Springs, and was examined by Mr. C. E. Aiken and Mr. W. L. Sclater, as well as by myself.
Doliconix oryzivorus. Bobolink. Frey saw ten birds at Salida, May 14, 1908, and secured four, all males. This is a new locality for this species in this state. The bird seems to be very peculiarly and locally distributed in Colorado.
Zonotrichia coronata. Golden-crowned Sparrow. Frey took one April 19, 1908, at Salida, which makes the second record for Colorado. I have the skin in my possession at the preseut time.
Colorado Springs, Colorado.