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Washington Notes

J. H. Bowles, C. W. Bowles
5 (September-October)
From Field and Study
Online Text

Washington Notes

The following notes made by my brother and myself are, as far as we can learn, the first records for these birds breeding in the state of Washington.

Cinnamon Teal (Querquedula cyanoptera). On May 4, 1904, at Kiona, Yakima County, Wash. Nest contained six fresh eggs, and was placed on the ground at a short distance from some small ponds. Two pairs of birds seen. Collected by J. H. Bowles.

Northwest Coast Heron (Ardea herodias fannina). On April 20, 1905, at Sumner, Pierce County, Wash. Nest contained four heavily incubated eggs. In a colony of about twenty-five pairs. Very large nest made of very small dead limbs, lined with very small twigs. Placed eighty feet up in a young fir in a large grove of same situated quarter of a mile from a lake. So far as we can learn this is the first recorded set of this subspecies. Collected by J. H. Bowles.

Cooper Hawk (Accipiter cooperi). During the Summer of 1904 two nests containing young were found in the vicinity of Tacoma, Pierce County, Wash., by Mr. Ed. L. Currier of Tacoma. These are the first records that have come to our knowledge, but on May 20, 1905, another nest, containing five fresh eggs was fouud, placed seventy feet up in a fir tree in densely wooded low ground. Collected by C. W. and J. H. Bowles.

California Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus occidentalis). On June 1, 1905, in the vicinity of Tacoma, Pierce County, Wash. Nest contained two slightly incubated eggs. Nest large and well made, being constructed of coarse crab-apple twigs and lined with moss and fir needles. Placed eight feet up in small fir in dense mixed fir and deciduous growth. Collected by C. W. Bowles.

J. H. and C. W. BOWLES

Tacoma, Wash.

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