Official Minutes Southern Division
Official Minutes Southern Division.
The annual meeting of the Southern Division was held Jan. 11 at the studio of Mr. Roth Reynolds, H. J. Leland presiding and eight members present. Dr. F. M. Palmer was elected to active membership. The resignation of W. Scott Way of Cucamonga was accepted. The report of the Division treasurer for the past year was given by Mr. Swarth and accepted. The annual election of officers resulted as follows, to serve during 1902: President, F. S. Daggett; vice president, H. J. Leland; secretary, Howard Robertson; treasurer, H S. Swarth: associate editor, Howard Robertson. On suggestion of Mr. Leland it was decided to adopt a systematic plan of study, taking up some one of the bird families at each meeting. The following papers were read: “Over the Teslin Trail to Dawson,” W. B. Judson; “Bird Studies from a Hammock in Strawberry Valley,” Mrs. C. A. Moody; “The Snowy Plover and Passing of the Great Blue Heron,” W. I. Chambers.
The Division met Feb. 7 at the residence of W. B. Judson with eight members present. Mrs. Bowers was present as a visitor. The resignation of Howard Rivers was accepted. The resignation of Dr. Garrett Newkirk was withdrawn. H. I. Graham of Redlands was reinstated to active membership. Several short articles on the hummingbirds were presented, as follows: “The Hummingbirds of Escondido and Vicinity,” Nelson Carpenter; “A Few Notes on the Nesting of T. alexandri”, R. C. Wueste; “From My Note Book”, Mollie Bryan; “Anna Hummingbird”, Burnell Franklin. Mr. Swarth read some extracts from notes taken by Mr. F. Stephens on a trip from Yuma through San Bernardino to Bear Valley some years ago. He also exhibited a namber of skins of hummingbirds found in the United States and about sixty varieties from South America, giving a short sketch of nearly all. Mr Simmons exhibited a number of nests and eggs of hummingbirds common in Southern California.
The Division met Feb. 28 with Mr. Roth Reynolds with thirteen active members and four visitors present. The names of Thomas Brown and Edward Howard of Los Angeles were proposed for active membership. The following papers were read. “Some Owl Notes from my Note Book”, F. Stephens; “Notes”, J. Eugene Law; “Owls of Escondido and Vicinity”, Nelson Carpenter; “The Pygmy Owl”, W. B. Judson. Mr. Reynolds read an article in answer to an argument presented by Mr. Swarth at a recent meetiug concerning “the use of facts”. The Division meets next on March 28 when the hawks will be discussed.